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第54章 面纱风暴峰(1 / 2)

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随着编年史的页页接近尾声,读者可以感受到阿卡姆不屈不挠的精神。编年史证明了其扞卫者的勇敢和韧性,永远铭刻在历史的史册上,提醒人们光明战胜了黑暗势力的入侵。第9章 升天与牺牲——历史编年史










区域名称: 面纱风暴峰




1. 感知的面纱:在《面纱风暴峰》中,现实与幻觉之间的界限充其量是脆弱的。感知是欺骗性的,看似真实的东西可能只是想象的虚构。笼罩在大地上的薄雾扭曲和操纵了感官信息,使得辨别真相和幻觉变得具有挑战性。


3. 看不见的力量:面纱风暴峰是一个无形能量与现实结构交织在一起的领域。这些力量表现为闪烁的彩虹光卷须,在空中编织。这些看不见的潮流对穿越这片土地的人的情绪和意图很敏感,以不可预测的后果做出反应。它们可以变形,改变地形或操纵物体,有时揭示隐藏的路径或在没有警告的情况下封锁进入某些区域的通道。

4. 诱人的谜团:面纱风暴峰拥有不可抗拒的魅力,吸引流浪者深入其神秘的深处。探索得越多,他们就越纠缠在土地的谜团中。好奇心变成了一种永不满足的饥饿,促使人们揭开隐藏的真相,解开xanthalos核心的宇宙奥秘。然而,这种对知识的不懈追求是要付出巨大代价的,因为一个人有可能因无法凡人理解的深不可测的真理而失去理智。


1. 黑曙漩涡:黑檀木峰的中心是黑曹螺旋,这是一个巨大的黑暗漩涡,将该地区锚定在克苏鲁王国。据说它是通往禁区的门户,精灵实体位于凡人感知之外。乌木螺旋散发出明显的恶意光环,将凡人和超凡脱俗的生物吸引到其不祥的中心。

2. 耳语哨兵:守卫在面纱风暴峰顶上的是低语哨兵,这是用一种未知的黑曜石状材料雕刻而成的古老整体雕像。这些高大的身影拥有着一丝理智,默默地观察着所有敢于冒险进入境界的人。据说哨兵掌握着xanthalos秘密的钥匙,他们的石头形式隐藏着只有少数人才能破译的深厚知识。



4. xanthalos的守望者:在Veilstorm peaks内,一个名为xanthalos守望者的秘密组织试图理解王国的真实本质。这些神秘的学者和禁忌知识的寻求者致力于破译隐藏在回声低语中的神秘信息,并揭开感知面纱所隐藏的秘密。他们走在一条危险的道路上,在理智的边缘摇摇欲坠,被一种拒绝被压制的永不满足的好奇心所驱使。

his It reached my hand.

the old man taught Juan mu how to increase his blessings, but it was not pletely correct. he didn't think about the possibility that Fan mu might be alive, or the great cost his words and actions would bring to himself and his people.

Afraid of the mighty might of another transcendent God, those who believe in the Frog God must maintain their noble purity. this purity is very strict, they have to distinguish which side they believe in, they long for sweet and natural weather. people in power believe in clean frogs, power, people who crave wealth and corruption worship ugly frogs. As long as a person who has been deeply blessed by the Frog God brings this hammer to the Frog God as an offering, the angry person will have the gift confiscated.

however, what the old man did not expect was that what was given to Fang mu was not a blessing. It was as if humans could not distinguish between the good and evil of the gods. For in God there is no good or evil, and all Fan mu was given was a kind of attention, mark, and signal. .

Rather than calling it a blessing, Fang mu's own description of a curse is more appropriate.

An evil old man with evil thoughts believes that the appearance of Fangmai means that a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and era have e, God's love can be transmitted, and God's blessings be on him or me. we thought it was a possibility and started a big plan. one. Surprisingly, if you look at the number of evil rituals and worship in numerous rituals, there are no secrets in what this God has done, nothing can be hidden.

the toad god unleashed his anger on the maddened group, burying hundreds of people's lives in mount Nun.

In the Frog God's eyes, Fang mu saw a fragment of a story he had never seen before. As my emotions gradually became numb, I began to understand a little more about the meaning of the Frog God.

he never cursed or blessed him, but he was just a person who could not attract the attention of the Gao dimension.

As for the ordinary things that happened to him, it really doesn't matter whether they are there or not. because eventually he picks up this hammer and this nail. he was like a stranger caught up in fate by chance. what he can do to resist is accelerate Fang mu's cycle and plete Fang mu's awakening. Fan mu read hints of the toad's divine thoughts through his almost human-like eyes.

\what is my destiny? why do I need to wake up?\ Fang mu asked the other party.

he is always a skeptic and refuses to think beyond human logic.

If this heart had not been replaced, he would have died on that day in 2013 and everything would have ended.

If the heart had not been replaced, the search for the owner of the heart and the diary would not have been possible.

without this diary, he would never have pursued the taboo secrets hidden in it, nor would he have searched for the traces of the Frog God.

If he hadn't been looking for the footprints of the Frog God, he wouldn't have gone to that cabin in the forest and found that hammer.

without that hammer, he wouldn't have fallen into the time loop...

I was looking for a hammer so I got it, so why did fate involve me?

the frog god looked at him coldly and used his invisible power to pull out a rune stone set with half of a black jade from Fan mu. At the same time, a flash of light shot out from his body and landed on the rune stone. the other half of the missing black jade, I glued the two pieces of black jade together. the moment the rune stone was pleted, a strange sight appeared, and the roar of a strange beast entered Fan mu's brain. It was like a piece of wood had hit a giant clock. the hammer struck him like a rock, and he trembled.

Languages he had never been exposed to before were automatically translated into voices he had heard before. the young man in white smiled and asked him, \You're not dreaming, are you?\

Van moeven's dead soul felt panic again. he screamed and struggled to escape from the Frog God's restraints.

this bold speculation, something he had never imagined or had the courage to imagine, was like a deadly poison, eating away at his sanity little by little.

“how can I be sure that Fan mu is my first life?” Fan mu asked himself in a broken voice, screaming madly in the dark abyss.

the voice of her question was so harsh that she wanted to close her eyes tightly, close her ears, and hold her breath. only his mouth made his whole body stronger, and in the end, only a roar was left to vent his anger.

\who am I!?\

“disability…” Li Yuning sat cross-legged next to Lin Lin and read the book carefully. the rocking sound of Ling Ling's rocking chair didn't interrupt her concentration on reading. he wondered, \how could we live without our five senses?\

``doesn't he still have a heart?'' Ling Ling smiled, drank tea, and stroked the cat.

“So, did he really die enlightened?”

\hehe, I just admitted it in my heart.\

315 social animals

on dog days in summer, the sun's rays are so intense that people can't even sit up. heat causes everything on earth to smell. there's a lot of traffic on the highways, and everywhere you go there's dust and heat waves. Summer's bination of smells of melted glue and uncured asphalt continues to torment people's senses.

when Ji Jian finished work, it was already nine o'clock at night. he rubbed my back and shoulders for a while. he stood at the back door of the personnel building, looking out into the dark parking lot with a somewhat defensive expression on his face.

the air conditioning inside the building is also a bit greedy.

It is impossible not to go home. the only benefit of my work unit is that I can enjoy unlimited air conditioning cold air in the summer. other than that, my humble single \dog house\ is a million times better.

``he's gone, he'll be back soon.'' Just as Ji Jian was about to leave, he noticed that someone's hand had pressed the door switch first, and the owner of that hand quickly turned to the right. It moved from the back to the left and left the building. step.

the moment the glass door opened behind him, a terrifying wave of heat lurking in the quiet summer night hit his face like a demon. Ji Jian saw the expressions on her colleagues' faces immediately fall. It only took a moment for her expression to go from cheerful after work to sad due to the heat. .

Ji Jiang didn’t laugh. he knew it was the same. he loosened his collar, unbuttoned two decent buttons, and followed his colleague out the door. \You better go home early. See you tomorrow.\

the two walked together for a few meters, then the colleague went to the parking lot to look for a car, bypassed the stairs to the front door of the building, went down the road, got ready and bought a shared bike to ride home. go home

when Ji Jian got into her car, her colleague's car had just pulled out of the parking lot and started off in the opposite direction from where Ji Jian had left.

this is a simple and unpretentious day in the life of Ji Jian.

As a basic worker, 9 to 6 are working hours written in black and white, but when your leader feels that your work isn't good enough, it's better to \work hard on your own initiative\ until 8. that's fine.

of course, this is a department that does not encourage overtime, so there will be no overtime pay. they don't call it extra.

but the troops still maintain the necessary dignity, with everyone who \works voluntarily and diligently\ receiving 50 yuan for dinner.

If there are no problems, you should receive your refund within six months.

Since this year's Lunar New Year holiday subsidy was finally paid along with her salary in July this year, Ji Jian felt great as she pedaled leisurely in the car.

Refund for dinner...If you wait a little longer, you might get a refund along with the may day holiday subsidy at the end of the year.

Ji Jian is a person who is easily satisfied, and only when she is calm, she feels that the breeze on a hot summer night can feel cool.

while riding my bike and feeling the breeze tonight, I imagined that tonight I would drink a non-alcoholic mojito, set the air conditioner to 26 degrees, and watch a b-movie. outside the sea and air conditioning.

think about it, before I knew it, I was back at rock bottom in rented apartments.

park your car, take the elevator, and go up to the upper floor.

Returning to the rental house, Ji Jian quickly took off all her disguises, threw her backpack into the shoe rack, slipped her shoes into the house, took off her shirt, and went to the closet to find pajamas for bathing.

I put on ``Starling at You'' by ``diane birch'' and danced down the stairs of an old discotheque as I walked to the bathroom.

half an hour later, Ji Jiang had already taken a shower, hung the laundry to dry on the balcony, and was lying on the lazy sofa that he had just bought half a month ago, looking at the curved 36-inch sofa with a smile on his face. . . 4K display and instant ramen slides.

ding dong!

when Ji Jian heard the doorbell, she laughed, rubbed her hands, and opened the door: “e, e.”

“Gentlemen, please be gentle with takeout.”

\that's a lot of work.\ Ji Jian took the lemon tea he had just ordered from the sweaty delivery man, closed the door again, and returned to his puter to continue watching the show.

You can imagine the real life situations of today's young people one by one.

put off making your own drinks until the holidays and order takeout on a weeknight instead. thinking of this, Ji Jian poked the mouth of the cup with a straw, operated the mouse with his free hand, and switched to watching a b-grade horror movie called \Rat in the wall.\

Arch arch…

the sound of the drum-type washing machine spinning on the balcony can be heard in the quiet room. Ji Jian, who was watching the movie, was not upset at all. he was always attentive to the tense and confusing mental changes of the film's protagonists as the plot progressed. he likes to appreciate the facial expressions and movements of actors in different movies, so he is also very sensitive to the level of actors. You can quickly judge the quality of movies and television productions from this perspective.

the recent hit \Rat in the wall\ is clearly a good movie. At least, the main character's relaxed and relaxed acting skills deeply attracted Ji Jian's interest. the eyes of the 60- or 70-year-old man in front of me were also filled with excitement. mitsuru's acting ability is truly as if she has seen hell.

release! release! release……

A third of the way through the movie, you could hear the washing machine on the closed balcony. Ji Jian had to temporarily wake up from the immersion of watching a movie. After pausing the movie, I went out to the balcony to dry my clothes and returned to my air-conditioned bed, drenched in sweat. Go on and watch the movie.

After another hour and a half, the screen changes, thanks to subtitles, and the movie finally ends.

Ji Jian had an emotional expression on his face, didn't say anything, didn't make any ments, and neatly exited the browser interface to watch the movie. then I looked at the time on the bottom right and it was already 11:45.

he lives not far from work and doesn't usually get out until 8:15am, so seeing that time makes me not want to go to bed early. Instead, when you click on a client on a video website, a short video is displayed. watch cool and interesting short videos and relax a little.

big data cheat sometimes remended reading several short videos related to the \Rat in the wall\ you just watched, including explanations of passing speed, film and television editing, original stories, and more.

when Ji Jian first started, he would click and watch some. however, since he had just finished watching a movie, he was also a bit \aesthetically tired\ and quickly switched to the movie after watching a few seconds. however, big data is not very interesting and still appears from time to time. I couldn't help but sigh at the idiot's \self-righteous\ algorithm, repeatedly remending short videos related to \Rat in the wall\ under the \I think you might be interested\ section.

Unbeknownst to Ji Jian, it was already past 12:30, but he didn't feel sleepy and was still in good spirits.

but he didn't panic. he calmly clicked on his favorites on his account and found some \unique\ videos of female anchors sleeping. he picked one and played it to listen. then he bowed and called. once in a while, take a step back and look at the \characteristics\ a few times.

the \white noise\ emitted by a female broadcaster can put people to sleep if listened to for a long time. Ji Jiang finally felt tired and put down the phone.

he saw the girl performer in the video trying to please mike with her mouth and suddenly felt a little tired and bored.

After all, I was watching and listening for a long time, so the sleep effect of sound was a bit unsatisfactory.

Ji Jian looked at the video remendation area from the side and suddenly saw a strange video cover and title.

title: I feel sleepy during the day, but the effect is outstanding!

cover: A forest landscape painting that makes you feel a little uneasy.

“Is it because I just watched a horror movie and the algorithm remended this?” Ji Jian laughed and clicked on the so-called “underground sleep aid video.”

360 oral audio

After clicking on the video, Ji Jian saw darkness. Apparently the video blogger only uploads audio files and not images.

this is not unusual in the sleep aid video industry, as most sleep aid videos are auditory sleep aid videos, and visual sleep aid videos are rare.

~there is~

Ji Jiang heard two clicks and suddenly felt his chest tighten. he stroked my arm, which was covered in goosebumps, and said, \hey, are you going to kneel with your mouth open? that's funny. that looks really interesting.\

Intrigued by the so-called underworld sleep aid video, Ji Jian clicked on the ment area below the video to see what other netizens thought about his ments. but when I click the ment area with the mouse, the client asks: \Vlogger closed the ment area.\ the \ment area\ will be displayed so that ments cannot be made.

Ji Jian was even more interested in this video and took the initiative to close the ment area of the video. Either this sleep aid video is really an underground society, and the video blogger is afraid of being scolded by netizens, or this kind of sleep aid video is not good and is afraid of being criticized by netizens. joke

he bowed his head to check the video blogger's account information and was surprised to see that the blogger's online name was actually his original Id called \Id.\ this indicates that the blogger has not changed their account information and their account level is not high since they registered their account. New registration is required. the number of fans of the other person is only in the single digits 7. click on the other person's avatar to view the posted video. currently, there is only one task uploaded and updated today.

\Let's see how good your skills are. I hope you are a valuable blogger. If your experience is okay, please follow me.\ Ji Jiang said I thought to myself. he currently follows 86 bloggers of interest, including those interested in sleep. army

Ji Jian fell asleep watching these videos. while not strictly intended as a \sleep aid\, there are certainly a number of bloggers out there who publish high quality sleep aid videos that he likes. Listening to it before bed really relaxes your brain and is very effective. I spend several sleepless nights.

Like most young people today, he also has certain symptoms of sleep disorders.

please don't look at my usual sloppy and careless self. Actually, he has his own worries, but he's just used to running away. but when you lie in bed alone late at night, you have to face these concerns. distracted thoughts overtake his mind and stop him, entering people and disturbing them.

house, car, finances, spouse... Ji Jian doesn't have any of these things that people around him expect from him. he also tries his best to avoid these topics during the week, not wanting to carry the weight of these topics on his shoulders.

however, Ji Jian also knew that he would have to face these difficulties someday.

Fear, anxiety, and worry gradually submerged his island of reason like a rising tide as he thought that some unknown event, which he could not imagine now and did not have the courage to imagine, would someday hit him on an unknown day. I said.

therefore, Ji Jian needed to fall asleep quickly and sleep peacefully. he didn't want to have any rash thoughts while waiting to fall asleep, nor did he want his quality of sleep to be ruined by bad dreams after he fell asleep.

before her insomnia problem worsened to the point where she had to take medication, Ji Jian looked to folk remedies that didn't affect her physiology. For example, the sleep videos he listened to at the time were one of the popular treatments.

while Ji Jian was paying attention to the blogger's video updates, the sound of the sleep video also changed as the progress bar progressed.

It was a quick hissing sound of crackling drool, acpanied by the sound of teeth clashing, making people wonder how flexible the owner's tongue was when it created this mouth sound.

these mouth sounds were different from the sounds Ji Jian had heard before. the wireless equipment was also good, and the sound bite wasn't too strong. It was just right to stimulate the audio-visual area of the brain, and Ji Jian was immediately fascinated. Jean was feeling sleepy.

“Not bad, not bad.” Ji Jiang was very satisfied. he turned off the display screen, turned off the lights, switched to the background, laid down on the bed, put on headphones and fell asleep listening to the video.

Ji Jian closed his eyes as his eyelids became heavier and heavier. his vision was weak, as if all his perceptions were focused on hearing, which made him even more sensitive to the sounds of sleep aid videos.

It was also at this time that Ji Jiancheng gradually understood why this video was called \Underworld\.

closing your eyes sharpens your hearing and activates your brain's imagination. I can't help but imagine myself making sounds, or an organ making sounds.

the strange thing is that Ji Jiang couldn't imagine that this was a sound made by humans.

think about it, this is something a normal person can't do. who can make the sound of the tongue moving in the mouth and the sound of teeth grinding at the same time?

Is this an effect of speech synthesis?

or are multiple people making sounds at the same time?

Ji Jian wasn't sure, but she felt that the audio in this sleep aid video was not the product of speech synthesis, much less ing from two people's mouths. the sounds were so harmonious that they seemed to e from \one person's mouth.\

Are video bloggers masters of editing who perfectly interpret the various sounds humans make with their mouths and use great editing techniques to perfectly bine and stitch each recorded sound together?together ?

Ji Jian could only think so. otherwise...I would have imagined a malformed mouth that was pletely different from that of a normal person.

I don't know how much time has passed, but the sound of the video that lulls me to sleep has changed again. this time, it was no longer a mouth sound, but a different sound, similar to the sound of kneading some flexible object. You can hear the sound of kneading objects. the bouncy sound it makes when it bounces is due to its hardness.

however, even though I kneaded it, it may not have been strong enough. Ji Jian immediately heard the sound of an object breaking, followed by the sound of shattering, and then the sound of something sticky and unknown falling onto his skin. It should be watery and sticky.

when Ji Jiang closed her eyes, she couldn't help but imagine her mother chopping the meat into small pieces, scooping them into balls, and rolling them in her hands. It was the closest sound he had ever heard.

then, the moment he opened his mouth, I heard him frown. It looks like the paste was eaten. the mouth that had been making noises before now made the sound of grinding meat.

Ji Jiang shuddered at the thought that it might be raw meat and thought, \what on earth is this?\

As he continued to listen, a sound came from the headphones that made Ji Jian even more unfortable. It was the sound of bones, joints, and muscles being torn apart, but there seemed to be infinite strength in the hands that removed the bones and flesh, and there was very little force. with a powerful sound, bone and flesh were torn apart, and then there was the sound of teeth turning and crunching.

Ji Jiang's thoughts began to wander, what is this man eating, how can he bee stronger?

317 memories


Ji Jiang's whole body was shaking, and she suddenly woke up to the sound of her cell phone ringing. he opened a pair of blank and stupid eyes, slowly got up from the bed, looked around a little dazedly, and the confused expression on his face became more and more serious.

“wait, what time did I go to bed last night?” Ji Jiang felt that he was losing his memory. he took his ears off and realized his headphones were gone. A search of the bed revealed a bluetooth headset under the pillow. when I opened the earphone case, the earphones were safely inside.

“did you put it back together yourself?” Ji Jiang scratched his head. he didn't remember when he fell asleep, and he certainly didn't remember when he put on his headphones.

the only thing Ji Jian remembers is listening to a dead sleep aid video for a while before going to bed, and the sounds of gnawing flesh and bones are still fresh in his memory.

the afternoon is a little hellish, but those mouth sounds hit your eardrums and hit the tie points in your skull.

``Good works are worth collecting and paying attention to.'' Ji Jian listened, opened his mobile phone, and found the video website App. he found sleep videos in Stories, followed vloggers, and noticed sleep videos. I clicked the button three times with the intention of posting a good review, but after I finished and sent it, I suddenly remembered that the ments section for this video was closed.

Sure enough, as soon as the ment was submitted, the App immediately responded with a pop-up prompt that said \blogger has closed the ment area.\

After thinking about it, Ji Jian decided to copy the ment she just made and send it to the blogger to send a private message encouraging love.

this time the message was sent successfully and the blogger had not turned off the private message feature.

After going into the bathroom to do laundry, Ji Jiang looked in the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. he looked a little doubtful and said, \have my eyes ever been this dark?\


“It’s wednesday again.” Ji Jian returned home and sighed happily as she searched through the refrigerator.

on the shelf next to the freezer, I still had a plate of ribs, a head of lettuce, two potatoes and tomatoes, an egg and lemon, and a few bottles of soda.

Ji Jian’s eyes couldn’t help being drawn to his ribs. then his mind started repeating the unexplainable sounds he heard last night, and he was a little distracted for a moment.

Ji Jiang didn't wake up until the alarm sounded, indicating that the refrigerator door wasn't closed properly. Ji Jian touched his stomach, which made an \old growl\ sound, and suddenly felt a little hungry.

For dinner, I had stewed pork ribs with potatoes and stir-fried vegetables with garlic. Ji Jiang ate everything. he felt he had never been so hungry and enjoyed his meal. After eating, he lazily leans back on the sofa and watches tV while wiping his oily lips.

Kalbi has less blood and is delicious. Ji Jiang licked his lips and remembered the pork ribs and stewed potato dish he had just eaten for dinner. I couldn't cook it for long because I was hungry, but when I tried it, it was always satisfying.

while washing the dishes, Ji Jian lowered his head and looked at the garbage can in the kitchen. All that was left were vegetable leaves, peeled potatoes, and a packing plate of ribs.

\where are the bones? oh yeah, it was so delicious that I ate it by myself.\ Ji Jiang was a little forgetful, so he secretly laughed and smiled to himself.

At 9:23 p.m., Ji Jian came out of the bathroom after taking a shower and noticed that her mobile phone screen was on. he thought someone had sent him a message, but when he picked up the receiver and looked at it, he couldn't help but smile. , \It looks like this blogger has updated it. Let me see what other videos have been updated around the world.\

this is also a video that supports a good night's sleep with high-quality sound effects. there are no photos and it's just over two hours long. No matter where the video is placed, it will be pretty explosive.

Also, like the previous video, ments are prohibited in the ment section of the video.

A- 18 A+
默认 贵族金 护眼绿 羊皮纸 可爱粉 夜间