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第44章 纳撒尼尔克罗斯教授(1 / 2)

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因此,我们历代志的第8章结束了,标志着一个重生和更新的时期。断裂的纽带的伤痕和与精灵相遇的残余成为我们复原力和重建能力的象征。我们小镇胜利的回声回荡在我们的历史页面中,永远将伊夫林·摩根博士、侦探塞缪尔·布莱克伍德和剩余的埃尔德里的名字铭刻在我们小镇编年史的史册上。他们的存在证明了人类精神的力量和我们以坚定不移的决心面对未知的能力。第9章 面纱的回声(据当地编年史记载)

在我们小镇的历史史册中,这个非凡故事的第九章展开了。正是在时间的流逝中,几个月变成了几年,我们的社区发现自己处于与精灵势力斗争的新篇章的悬崖边上。伊芙琳·摩根(Evelyn morgan)博士,现在是一位着名的学者,和侦探塞缪尔·布莱克伍德(Samuel blackwood),早已退休但始终保持警惕,随着新的威胁迫在眉睫,他们被拉回了神秘学的世界。







就这样,第九章接近尾声,标志着一个重新爆发冲突的时期,以及困扰我们城镇的精灵能量的复苏。隐藏的邪教和即将到来的对抗的回声在我们的历史中回荡,永远将伊夫林·摩根博士和侦探塞缪尔·布莱克伍德的名字刻在我们镇的编年史上。他们坚定不移的决心和面对未知的意愿激励着我们所有人,提醒我们,即使面对黑暗,也有胜利的希望。第4章 疯狂的低语(据当地编年史记载)






侦探塞缪尔·布莱克伍德(Samuel blackwood)以其理性和怀疑主义而闻名,他发现自己被卷入了困扰我们小镇的神秘事件中。尽管他最初有所保留,但他不能忽视越来越多的证据。他们与摩根博士一起开始了揭开隐藏在埃尔德里奇避风港的秘密的任务。




everyone will realize that the former angel has turned into an ugly monster. Realize, no one will be able to avoid this. Reality” once again, people with the same mind as me will be very satisfied, hahaha, this guy has finally fallen! Like always to be arrogant tell!\

Karako laughed and laughed hard, but with a hint of despair in her eyes, she challenged Gin matsumoto, ``what do you think, mr. Law Enforcement officer, do you want to arrest me?''

\don't worry, I'm not going to arrest you for your kind nature or bad morals.\ Yu matsumoto nodded and said calmly, \As long as you don't actually hurt others.\

``what did I do? what did I have to do with his death?'' Uta Ryoko laughed, drinking half a cup of tea as if what she drank was courage. I did.

Gin matsumoto couldn't help but laugh and said, ``die? In other words, you were plicit in defaming the other person's reputation.''

Utarako clenched her fists again. I felt that he was played by Gin matsumoto. when I saw the other person's laughter at that moment, I remembered the old men around me who used to joke, ``You, you're special.'' Are you looking down on me? ? ”

Gin matsumoto controlled his laughter and said, ``No, I think it's a little pathetic.''

\well, our investigation into Rumi Kawakami's suicide case revealed some interesting details. In fact, on the night Rumi Kawakami said he wanted to mit suicide, someone called him. matsumoto Yin looked at the other person's face, which gradually faded, and said gently, ``did you get the call?''

``do you have any proof?'' Uta Ryoko's face was solemn, but her hand was shaking as she held the cup.

matsumoto Gin spread his hands and shook his head, “Unfortunately, that was not the case, this is just my personal belief.

the call to Rumi Kawakami was from a public phone booth. Since there were no cameras installed in or around the park where the phone booth was located, subsequent investigations yielded no results. what's more, Rumi Kawakami's cell phone only had call logs and no recordings, so she didn't know about it. based on what the callers told him at the time, it's hard to say whether this call was his last straw.

therefore, even if the person who made this plaint eventually discovers it, it cannot be wholeheartedly condemned. ”

Ryoko smiled and said, ``I thought you had strong evidence.''

Gin matsumoto nodded and said to the other party in a serious voice, ``Uta Ryoko, please do not misunderstand me at all. I have not e here to pursue any purpose. I just want to confirm something. Judging by your acting.'' well, I'm sure you're not the one I'm looking for, so... you know, you're actually very lucky. ”

``what he said is true, otherwise he will draw his sword and cut you into long pieces.'' Li Jia'an, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up.

Utarako was taken aback and said, \You... you're not a law enforcement officer. who are you!?\

when Uta Ryoko heard this, she was 100% sure that the two people in front of her were not people who could enforce the law, but they were also not ordinary people.

After that, Utarako considered the possibility, but it turned out to be even more hopeless than confirming the identity of the other law enforcement officer.

\Are you... an investigator?\

Gin matsumoto smiled, and the truth was clear to Utarako.

when an investigator es to the house and asks about the urban legend, it turns out that the \urban legend\ is true!

\Rumi... Rumi Kawakami is going to kill me... he's going to kill me...\ Utako fell to the ground and whispered.

\If you think you haven't done anything wrong to him, why do you think he has to kill you?\ Li Jian'an asked.

Utarako remained silent.

Li Jiang and matsumoto Ying looked at each other. In fact, there was nothing to pursue, and it was not their job to pursue it.

As investigators, they have experienced all sorts of strange occurrences and more or less know what villains like Utarako have done.

It only added insult to injury at a time when Rumi Kawakami was in despair. Rumi Kawakami's last hope disappeared after she made anonymous phone calls and repeatedly made baseless and malicious accusations and insults.

being hurt helped him understand the world more clearly. All her beauty was based on her once beautiful appearance. Losing your appearance is like a high-rise building with a weak foundation. when the foundation is destroyed, everything collapses and what collapses is no longer what it was. Joy, but hypocrisy and indignation.

In reality, hanako's curse is on her mother, Keika takayama, who carries hanako's grudge.

Similarly, mimiko's curse should inhabit similar characters, or at least those who have a strong sympathy for Rumi Kawakami.

Li Jian originally thought he would bee Naomi miyazaki's chemistry teacher, but unfortunately, this man was actually a deeply hidden pervert with very strong antisocial personality tendencies.

Judging by the carcasses of these beautiful birds that the other party hid under a secret room on the floor, the disfigured Rumi Kawakami had close ties to this metamorphosis and may have caused all this.

heaven has eyes, qian huanwen also did good deeds, and the pervert succumbed to the afterlife and died miserably.

therefore, Li Ka'an later remembered Utarako and was looking forward to seeing if there would be a reversal of Utarako's story.

Unfortunately, it turns out that this woman was also a pervert.

Good guy, aren't there any normal people in Sakurajima?

\Excuse me.\ Li Jian and matsumoto Yun stood up to say goodbye, but there was not enough time.

After leaving Utako's house, the two did not go by car, but instead went directly to Kawakami's house, but it turned out to be an abandoned house.

within five minutes of entering mr. Kawakami's house, the two ran out of mr. Kawakami's house with worried expressions on their faces.

Gin matsumoto had already pulled out the sword hidden behind his back, and his eyes were fierce.

the Korean Alliance investigators who were originally waiting outside were also surprised. Someone asked loudly, ``matsumoto-senpai, what's wrong?'' with a whistle on his face.

At first, I thought something dangerous was hiding in Kawakami's house, but after waiting several seconds, there was no movement. I glanced at the faces of the two men as they hurriedly left, but they didn't seem to be in a hurry, so I dismissed this idea.

\dog! It's a dog!\ Gin matsumoto shouted.

the Uta Yoshiko family's Shiba Inu was Rumi Kawakami's pet dog when she was alive!

237 dogs chased

Even if it is narrow, it is a narrow angle from which to consider the problem.

Li Jian'an always believed that the target of the curse should be human. In fact, under normal circumstances, this idea is correct. however, this \prejudice\ also led him to the wrong target.

why does the object of dependence have to be human? In fact, it can be any creature that can think emotionally.

Animals, especially vertebrates that we often see in our daily lives, such as cats and dogs, are actually humans. despite their low Iq, their behavioral patterns tend to be influenced by emotions and instincts. that is, their reactions to certain emotions are even higher than those who can think rationally.

when he Jian and matsumoto Ying entered the Kawakami family's old house, he Jian saw a family photo left in the abandoned house. In this maliciously damaged photo, he and In matsumoto discovered the only survivor of graffiti. the characteristics of the small Shiba Inu that was destroyed in the photo were very similar to Shibajiro Uta Yoshiko. Even the missing eyebrow patch on his head was exactly the same. they soon realized they were the same dog.

then, the two suddenly thought of this possibility.

It's not likely. Shiba Jiro, the young Shiba Inu of Kawagami mi's family, fits perfectly into the position of ``cursed possession''. perhaps he was the only person who witnessed the owner's transformation from beauty to ugliness, and among the witnesses, who ranged from happy and beaming to desperate and crazy, was willing to listen to his plaints. I was the only person who gave it to me.

After being immersed for a long time in all kinds of negative language production, dogs are able to feel real emotions from their owners' words, actions, and expressions, even if they cannot understand human language.

cats and dogs, especially those that have been domesticated to some extent by humans, are actually able to understand the concept of death to some extent.

when Rumi Kawakami died, Shibajiro, as Rumi Kawakami's pet, realized that his owner would never appear in his life again. the strong emotions it generated matched perfectly with the special magnetic field of momoki city. Sonite can create a \curse\.

Especially after Li Ka'an confirms with Gin matsumoto and discovers that Kawakami's house has traces that have opened a spatial passage to the afterlife, he Jia'an further states that Shiba Jiro is the true proponent of \mimiko A's curse\. confident. .

And matsumoto Gin is more convinced of this than he Jia'an himself. After all, pared to he Jia'an, he thought that chai Jiro's attitude towards he Jia'an was particularly different, so he looked at this incident from a more outside perspective.

Investigators often e into contact with alien species, which more or less affects the biomagnetic field of the investigator's body. Animals are very sensitive to these changes. Unless you've had a pet since childhood, it's generally difficult for investigators to like animals, much less talk about having an unfamiliar pet around them.

he and he Jian are both the same kind of humans, and their exposure to abnormal things in the distant past has made their biomagnetic fields very strange. they are largely isolated from pet care, as no animal wants to approach or see them, even as babies. Everyone first learns to protect themselves from fear and avoid it.

however, chai Jiro tries to get closer to he Jia'an, but he pletely hates contact with him. chai Jiro's attitude towards he Jia'an is actually quite normal within himself. Logically speaking, Li Ka'an and him should be hated together.

matsumoto Ying thought for a moment and quickly realized that the difference between himself and he Jia'an was that he Jia'an had close contact with mimiko's curse.

perhaps he Jia'an has the ``scent'' of Rumi Kawakami, and dogs that can recognize people by their ``smell'' will naturally treat he Jia'an as his former owner and behave in a friendly manner.

he ran back to Lake Kara again, and at this time Gin matsumoto directly drew his sword and rushed forward.

when Uta Ryoko saw Gin matsumoto ing to the door with cold eyes and a cold blade, she was very scared, thinking that Gin matsumoto suddenly changed his mind and tried to e directly and kill him. I cried.

After all, in his eyes, people like the investigators are basically people whose mental state is between insanity and still-insane, and who could suddenly slip into insanity at any time.


pared to his current master, Ryoko Uta, who did not live up to expectations, Shibajiro seemed calmer. his round black eyes mirrored the gesture of Gin matsumoto as he raised his sword. he realized that all of the \murderous intent\ on the other side was directed at him. .

he was already an old dog. he sensed murderous intent from Gin matsumoto. he quickly turned and fled before Gin matsumoto could pull a knife on him. he ran from the hallway directly into the living room, and then from the balcony.

Li Jian'an was keeping watch in the courtyard. when he saw chaijiro's face, he tried to call out his name to get him to e to him. members of the Korean Alliance who were standing outside the fence fired at chai Jiro, who panicked and quickly turned around. the smoke penetrated the dense foliage and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

``there's no need for that!'' the veins on he Jia'an's forehead bulged out, and he turned to look at the man who had just been shot.

Jian's eyes were frightened by the agent who fired, and she realized that her impatience was causing her to miss an opportunity. he immediately fell silent and did not have the courage to shrink his head and deny it.

only after he Jia'an follows Sima Jiro's actions, jumping over walls and chasing him over long distances, does the scolding investigator remember that he Jia'an is not his boss.

then, a rather interesting scene unfolded in the small town of taom city. A group of investigators were chasing the Shiba Inu as if it had mitted some kind of betrayal against each of them.

when Li Ka'an chases Shibajiro, it turns out that the dog actually ran back to the Kawakami family's old home. he quickly moved forward and gave chase, and Gin matsumoto followed closely.

After entering the house, matsumoto Yin was faster than he Jia'an. Gin matsumoto had already guessed which room in the house chaijiro would run into. he went faster, going up to 17, 8 knot sections in stages 3 and 4. the stairs will soon reach the attack range.

when he Jian was halfway up the stairs, he had already heard the sounds of dogs and people fighting inside the house, the dogs howling, the sound of matsumoto Gin waving a knife in the air, and the sound of several houses being destroyed. I did. .

After rushing into Rumi Kawakami's old room, he Jia'an found that the floor was dirty and there were knife marks everywhere. Gin matsumoto and Shibajiro were no longer in the room. the window inside was closed and the person was alone. the dog has disappeared!

“maybe...he fell into the other world again?” Li Jian speculated in his mind. he took the New Year's red envelope, moved a little away from the red envelope, and dropped it into his hand. Unprotected by the red envelope, he suddenly took on a gloomy expression. In the lowered room, there was a crack the size of an oval mirror in the bed, with only a shelf left.

memorizing the approximate location, he Jian quickly grabbed the red envelope and jumped through the gap in space that was invisible to the naked eye.

238 bills that should not be left behind

At that time, Naomi miizaki was sitting in a hospital bed. he and the nurse asked for a small table, paper, and a pen. At the time, he was concentrating on how to write a will.

It's been over 3 hours since I started writing down my ideas. Not a word has been touched, the paper is clean, the pen in my hand moving impatiently between putting it down and picking it up.

Naomi misaki gasped a little, pushed the table off the bed, walked to the balcony, moved the chair from the ward to the balcony outside the hospital room, and basked in the sun, feeling dizzy.

the hot sun beat down on her stiff body, and Naomi misaki felt cold.

he may die soon.

As someone who was involved in the death, I knew it would be a tragic death, but it must have been difficult for the parents to understand.

how will Korean Alliance investigators report the cause of his death to his parents? will he tell the truth that he had been \cursed\ by the anomaly, so he dumped the body overnight so there would be no ashes?

or will they pretend to be law enforcement and tell him he's missing and missing? So on what grounds should he be claimed missing?

After some time, misaki Naomi realized that her imagination was actually very rich. maybe I can write and submit a light novel sooner, win an award, and make my debut...and maybe I'll be reunited with my uncle. when the time came, he could take care of his uncle.

by the way, my uncle is an expert in this business. Every time he goes on a mission, he es close to dying. he must be good at writing suicide notes, right?

well, if she marries me, she can't be an investigator anymore.

After all, a wife cannot live without her husband, and children cannot live without their father in their childhood.

Naomi misaki's imagination is truly rich.

After sitting outside on her balcony for more than 10 minutes, Naomi mitsuki wiped her eyes and returned to her house. he couldn't think about it anymore. he needs to finish writing his will by today. If it had been late, he wouldn't have been so lucky.

So Naomi mitsusaki decided to ask people on the internet for advice. he searched for \will template\ and found many essay samples. he looked at them one by one, but still did not expect to read them. one day I was fascinated by the suicide note.

Naomi misaki was so focused that she didn't notice that a nurse came to check on her condition.

As the girl stared intently at her cell phone, the nurse approached with curious eyes, looked at Naomi misaki with a confused expression, and said, ``Naomi-san, no one will see your suicide note.''

``huh!? hey, why?'' Naomi misaki was surprised to hear the nurse's voice, and then remembered the nurse's words and couldn't help but be surprised.

this nurse was also dispatched by a member of the Korean Alliance medical corps and was temporarily in charge of Naomi misaki's medical care. Although he could not discuss the details of Naomi misaki's condition, he knew the general outline.

In response to Naomi misaki's question, the nurse patiently explained, ``this is because the suicide note you left behind could pose various risks.''

\Are you worried about me revealing the backstory of an ordinary case? don't worry, I won't.\ Naomi mitsuzaki quickly swears, hoping for some room to maneuver.

the nurse smiled bitterly, shook her head, and spoke directly to Naomi misaki.

It is said that there once was someone who was in the same situation as him. he was trapped in a normal event and could not escape. he was helpless and had no choice but to meet the hopeless end of death. one of his wishes before he died was for his friends to be there. After his death, he left a will to his beloved wife.

my friend agreed with tears in his eyes. A few days after the friend agreed, the man died mysteriously and tragically in his home, with a bloody suicide note next to his inhuman body.

A friend of mine read the contents of the will, and it was filled with the man's great love for his family. the bloody fingerprint left at the end of the suicide note was shocking and heart-breaking, but it still made people feel very sad and regretful.

the friend received the letter and sent a suicide note to the man's home the same day. After reading the suicide note, the man's family shed tears and felt deep sadness over his sudden death.

Just when my friend thought his mission was over, a month later he learned that the family this man left behind was brutally murdered, each one dying just as tragically as the man had died. heard.

As a result of the investigation, it was discovered that the suicide note was left by a man who had brought an ordinary object to the man's house, killing him due to unknown factors. Since he had only been exposed to the will for a short time, his friend immediately handed it over to him. because they were members of the other party's family, they survived and escaped.

when my friend heard the truth, he was filled with regret.

Since then, most investigative agencies have abolished the will and survivorship system. Investigators and paranormal investigators will no longer write suicide notes, and artifacts will be treated accordingly...

After listening to the nurse's explanation, Naomi misaki finally understood. he bowed his head and said, “If I die, how will my parents know what I mean?”

``If you wish, I will explain it to you verbally.'' the nurse was very kind.

Naomi misaki was silent for a moment, \can I think about it before I say something?\

``I agree.'' the nurse touched the 16-year-old high school student's head and gently forted him.

Afterwards, a female nurse gives advice and performs a physical examination of the female high school student.

After the test, Naomi misaki seemed to be feeling better and thanked the nurse for ing out.

Even after the door to the ward closed, Naomi misaki remained stiffly facing the wall, still smiling.

then she slowly rolled over, buried her face in his thighs, hugged her knees with her hands, and screamed. \I...I don't want to die yet...\

``die! die! die!'' In Rumi Kawakami's dark room, Gin matsumoto screamed in his heart as he silently brandished the knife. the knife of light chased after the weakened Shiba Inu and violently cut it into pieces. \I'm sorry, but you must die for humanity!\


the sword slashed, and the light of the sword cut Shibajiro's right hind leg, no blood flowed, and Shibajiro let out a quick and violent scream from the pain.

Gin matsumoto's heart was still calm and cold when he saw this. he swung down the sword of Amankongyun in his hand again. the Shiba Inu's head was separated from its body and it fell down the stairs below. he died with his eyes open.

``I'm really embarrassed.'' before Gin matsumoto and Shiba Inu took their last breaths, they looked at each other, their cold expressions finally showing signs of relaxation. he bowed his head slightly, avoiding her eyes, touching his forehead and muttering to himself.

twenty-nine, the bird appeared again.

Naomi misaki, who was crying quietly in the hospital ward, felt the coldness on the back of her neck suddenly disappear, and the terrifying feeling of having her fate squeezed by evil cold claws disappeared. It was then that mimiko cursed him. From that moment on, I retained the great awareness I had until now.

Ever since she was cursed, misaki Naomi has always felt that there are executioners standing on either side of her, holding sharp blades and slowly cutting her to pieces with absolute power that cannot be removed. he could actually feel his own pain every moment. his fate passed quickly, and the fear of death was constantly tormenting his brain.

but now the feeling of suffocation and despair has disappeared.

A- 18 A+
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