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1 月1日, 1894




















Record 2142-04:date: UnknownEvent: Abyss Laboratory Explorationtask: Unlock the secrets of the cave laboratoryteam members: crew and research teamExperimental purpose: to test human consciousness and willExperimental location: Unknown caveExperimental details:the consciousness of the crew gradually merged with the infinite depth of the universe, and they began to experience unprecedented experiences.

their senses seem no longer limited to the body, but can perceive infinite information in the universe.In the depth of this universe, crew members see their past, present, and future, and time seems no longer linear, but an intertwined existence.

they experience the mysteries of the universe and perceive its creation and destruction.however, this deep experience is full of risks, and the consciousness of the crew seems to be engulfed by the abyss.

they fell into a constantly distorted reality, and their bodies seemed to bee void and no longer under control.At this moment, a crew member began to roar, his voice filled with fear and despair. he tried to break free from this deep experience, but it seemed that he could no longer turn back. the other crew members also felt deep fear, not knowing whether their consciousness could safely return.Suddenly, the body of a crew member began to emit a dazzling light, as if he had bee a carrier of some ancient existence.

this existence seems to be attempting to convey a message, a cosmic wisdom, through it.what do you want to do? \the other crew members asked in surprise.the crew of the ship didn't pay attention to them, only to see him put his finger to his mouth and make a deep hoarse sound. then, a shiny ball of light appeared on his finger.

As the sphere formed, the entire depth began to tremble violently. the crew felt their souls tremble, as if they were about to leave their bodies and fly towards the magical pearl.the crew pointed their fingers towards the nearest crew member, who immediately shouted, 'No!'the crew did not stop and continued to approach their fingers. At this moment, the words' 0 'suddenly flashed in the crew's view.the crew's consciousness quickly awakened, and they recovered from their psychedelic state and saw the terrifying scene before them.what did I... what did I do? I just wanted to take action against those crew members. \

one crew member was frightened and collapsed on the ground. the other crew members turned pale and sat slumped on the ground. If that situation had happened to them just now, they wouldn't dare to be similar.

Fortunately, the crew member finally stopped in time, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable.the crew member suddenly said, \Look, there seems to be something therethe crew quickly stood up and walked towards the direction the crew had said. when they arrived at that area, they were surprised to find that it was empty.what's going on?

Is it an illusionNo, I heard a sound, it should be nearbyIt's impossible, are you still aliveEveryone searched around and finally found the round ball of light in the corner. the crew held it in their hands and carefully observed it. this sphere is very beautiful, emitting a soft and warm light, making it irresistible to play with.

It's so beautifulI want to give this ball to the childdon't worry, there will be children soonYes, let's wait here for a while and wait for that island to surfacemmmthe crew decided to wait for the island here, but it was too lonely and lonely, and all the other crew members died except for them.while waiting,

they couldn't help but miss their family and even had the idea of exiting this adventure.but they eventually gave up this idea. because they found that the existence of this island is worth it, it is a very important experimental base, and perhaps the only place in the world with laboratories and job positions is that island. Although the island is in great crisis, it does exist.time slowly passed in the long and dry wait, and three days had already passed in a blink of an eye. during these three days,

the crew's mood became increasingly anxious, fearing that the island would sink to the bottom of the sea or never surface.on the morning of the fifth day, a huge wave suddenly rose on the ocean, and the bottom of the sea shook incessantly, as if an earthquake had occurred.Something's wrong! \Someone shouted.Everyone ran out of the cabin door to check the situation. I saw countless huge waves billowing on the sea, as if something huge was about to break through the water.

A dark shadow slowly emerged from the water, seemingly resembling a yacht, but its size was many times larger than that of a regular yacht. Its body is covered with thick scales, and its two sharp horns have sharp serrations at the top. this is a dragon fish! Its dorsal and caudal fins are very broad, resembling the shape of a scallop. After the dragon fish emerged from the water, it opened its mouth and sprayed a blue bubble. the bubble hit the protective covers of the crew and exploded.

this blue bubble contains extremely strong corrosiveness and can easily tear apart metal.quickly dodge! \Exclaimed the crew, quickly avoiding the bubble.the ship began to shake violently, and the crew had to stabilize their figure. they found that the dragon fish was charging towards the sea at a very fast speed. the dragon fish's back swelled up, revealing a thick and sturdy spine. Its abdomen swells like a hill, as if it is pregnant with something. At this moment, a fierce roar suddenly erupted from the sea, and a huge air wave surged up to a hundred meters high, instantly drowning the dragon fish.After struggling for a few seconds, the dragon fish sank to the bottom of the sea.

Is it dead? \the crew asked in disbelief.It looks like it's dead, but who can tell me what happened just nowI don't know eitherI just want to put the ball in my mouth, and then my head will go into a daze, and then I won't know anythingperhaps it is due to our lack of spiritual strengthdo you mean we all lack mental strengthperhaps we need to improveImproving? what can we improve? Enhancing spiritual strength?

how can we improve thiswell... I don't know eitherthe crew discussed for a long time but couldn't e up with any results.the ship continued to move and soon arrived near the mysterious island. At a distance of approximately 200 meters from the small island, they stopped sailing and chose to land. they searched along the way and did not encounter any danger. they arrived at the small island smoothly.

the island is elliptical in shape, covered in grayish green moss on its surface, emitting a greasy fluorescence under the sunlight, making it look very eerie.After landing on the small island, the crew discovered that it was entirely made of rock and was still exposed. there was nothing on the island except vegetation. they thought it was a deserted island, but when they stepped on the beach, a soft touch came from their feet, like stepping on clouds.what is this? A beachhow e these beaches are so softLook over there, \someone pointed to the distant lake, which was calm and waveless,

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